The Pharisees had asked Jesus when
the kingdom of God would come, and Jesus’ answer was profound. Like today’s church, the Pharisees were
looking for something grandiose from a worldly perspective. Perhaps they were looking for an orchestral
procession on a red carpet, awards and accolades to those who were of the most
service to the church. Jesus’ answer was
far less attractive. Jesus response was
that the work of the kingdom of God is within. The work of the kingdom of God is far less
sexy and alluring than the spiritual leaders of Jesus’ day would have it. There were no celebration Sundays, nor awards
for hours of service. The kingdom of God
within is the humbling of the spirit culminating in complete submission to God’s
design for your life. This verse
resonates with my soul being the mother of a child with special needs. In the world's economy, having a child with special needs means:
- I cannot participate as often as I would like in church events.
- I cannot lead in church the way I would like to lead.
- I cannot be the display of the perfect pastor’s wife within the church, as the pharisees would have seen fit.
In GOD'S ECONOMY, having a child with special needs means that God is constantly working his kingdom out from within. My soul is humbled; my spirit is sometimes
crushed; and, my heart cries out for Jesus.
The kingdom is being worked out by God not for public display but for
His glory in the small things. There is
no show, no award for being the best special needs mom, nor earthly glory. His glory awaits as I live out God’s love for
me and my son daily in surrender to Christ Jesus.